Use To Clean Wheel Studs Before Pin Or Sleeve Install Only
Not Designed For Cutting Or Restoring Damaged/Bad Threads
Wire Brush
Cleans Wheel Stud Holes Before Pin Or Sleeve Installation
Use With Electric Drill
Stainless Steel Brush Head
For Steel And Aluminum Wheels
For Steer And Drive Axles
Fits Some Trailers
Will Center 1" Brake Drums
Fits 19.5", 22.5", And 24.5" Wheels
22mm Wheel Studs
1.053"-1.063" Wheel Hole
Centers The Wheel Back On The Wheel Studs
Increases Tire Life And Fuel Mileage
Sold As A Kit
Quality American Made Product
This True-Balance Wheel Centering Kit includes everything you need to center your wheels! Featuring 3 Centering Wheel Pins, a Wheel Stud Thread Chaser and a Wire Brush - you can get the job done all with one kit. Clean your wheel studs and wheel stud holes with the thread chaser and wire brush, then use the wheel pins to center your wheels back on the wheel studs. No more bad vibrations, increase loss in tire life, and costly mechanic stops!
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