Pypes black powder coated stainless steel light duty products carry a 1 year warranty. Pypes stainless steel light duty products carry a limited lifetime warranty.
If your truck has an engine that is 2007+, any yellowing, blueing, corrosion, or cracking is not covered under the manufacturer warranty. 2007+ engines burn rich and much hotter than pre-2007 engines. Because of this, these Stacks are not warrantied when using on trucks with DPF or DEF systems. For warranty claims, please call Pypes directly at 1-800-421-3890 Ext. 106. For Damage claims and additional questions, please give us a call.
Pypes 36" Long Stainless Steel Mitered Exhaust Stack
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Tac T. Verified Customer
Received exactly what I ordered. These were a perfect fit