Fits Various Peterbilt Models Including 379 386 389 & More
Available In Billet Aluminum & Chrome Options (Choose Above)
Changes The Position & Angle Of The Pedal To Help You Better Disengage The Clutch
Increases Angle Of Foot In Relation To The Floor
Improves Driver Ergonomics
Less Strain on Ankle
2" Extension
Sold Individually
Quality American Made Product
Improve the ergonomics of your ride with the Clutch Pedal Extender from Iowa Customs. This simple piece dramatically changes the foot angle off the floor to a more comfortable position.
If you should need additional Truck Parts and Accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
When installed according to Iowa Customs' specifications in compliance with all local and national building and/or electrical codes, the manufacturer warrants all Iowa Customs products to be free of material and manufacturing defects for a period of (1) one year from the date of shipment. This limited warranty does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.
Peterbilt 2" Clutch Pedal Extender By Iowa Customs
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