Lifetime Freightliner Top Hat Rear Frame Starter Kit
Freightliner Rear Frame Starter Kit
Choose from Top Hat or Vortex Style
Made Of High Quality Chrome Plastic
Covers Rivets & Frame Bolts For Both Sides Of Your Truck
Sold In Sets Of Two
Quality American Made Items
Lifetime's own Freightliner Starter Kits are a great idea if you want to detail your frame but you're not sure how many parts you might need. Starter Kits give you a good jump on the basics needed to cover your truck, whether you're just getting started or just finishing up.
If you should need additional Truck Parts and Accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
Lifetime Freightliner Top Hat & Vortex Rear Frame Starter Kits
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Tracie A. Verified Customer
Not a full kit, just covers nuts and bolts but not the Huck bolt rivets around 5th wheel and frame hangers, very misleading.