Kenworth W900L W900B Replacement Grill Surround Side Pieces 304-Stainless Steel
*Please note replacement side pieces are meant to work with your factory/original grill crown. They are not compatible with our Rig Repair brand grill crowns or other aftermarket grill crowns.
*Please Verify Your OEM Number Before Purchase
*W900B Fits Short Hood Only
Pair of Aftermarket Replacement Grill Surround Side Pieces (Does not include top crown or bottom piece)
Fits Kenworth W900L or W900B (Choose Option Above)
Superior Corrosion Resistance While Providing A Mirror-Like Finish
Made with High Quality 304 Stainless Steel
Sold As A Pair
Quality Made Product
If you are looking for the original grill surround or full grill assembly by the original equipment manufacturer, Kenworth, you will need to visit a local dealer. We are not affiliated with or a part of PACCAR.
If you should need additional Truck Parts and Accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
Bores offers a lifetime warranty on workmanship, and quality of all components in every product they sell. This warranty is void if the product is used in a manner not originally intended, installed incorrectly, abused, modified, or not maintained in a reasonable manner. Upon approval of warranty claim for defects, Bores will replace or fix the product at no expense to the customer.
Kenworth W900 Grill Surround Left & Right Replacement Pieces Stainless
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