Kenworth W900 Grill Accent RGB LED Light Kit with Remote
These super bright LED accent light kits are built tough. They're designed specifically for outdoor use on vehicles that move, vibrate, flex and contract.
*LED's ONLY, Grille NOT Included!
LED RGB Grill Accent Light Kit
Fits Kenworth W900 Models
Kit Includes:
LED Light Strips
LED Controller
Split Loom
Power Lead Feeder Cable
Closed End Cap Crimp-On Connectors
3M Adhesion Promoter
Zip Ties
3M Adhesion Promoter MUST Be Used When Mounting
Available in Various Colors (Choose Above)
Multi-Color + Amber
Available with Breather Lighting (Choose Above)
Heat Resistant, Waterproof and Easily Cleaned
Clear Poly-Urethane UV Resistant Coating
Super-Bright Tri-Chip 5050 LED
5050 & 2835 Chips Are Combined for RGB-A Options
Native 12V DC
IP65 rated
RF Wireless Remote and Bluetooth Controller App:
Up to 16 Million Color Combinations Via App
7 Pre-Set Colors Via RF Remote
White (6000 Kelvin)
Light Blue
Neon Green/Yellow
Hot Pink/Purple
5 Functions:
DOT Compliant
Sold as a Kit
Designed, Assembled & Supported IN THE USA
If you should need additional truck parts and accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
Where and how these light strips are installed make all the difference in their durability and thus, our warranty. For this reason the duration of the original owner warranty varies based on the vehicle application, use and installation types.
Recreational Applications: RVs, Motorcycles, Golf Carts: 3 years
Cars/Pickup Trucks/Off-Road: 1 year
Marine / Fresh Water: 3 years
Marine / Salt Water: 90 days
Food/Cargo Truck/Trailer, Other Light Duty Commercial Use / Installation by Boogey Lights technicians in Florence, KY: 3 years
Food/Cargo Truck/Trailer, Other Light Duty Commercial Use / All other installation types: 1 year
Heavy Duty Truck and/or Trailer Commercial Use / Installation by Boogey Lights technicians in Florence, KY: 1 year
Heavy Duty Truck and/or Trailer Commercial Use / All other installation types: 90 days
Note on Commercial Applications: These low-profile surface mounted LED strips are not built to withstand significant flexing or lateral movement of the surface the strip is mounted to. Some examples include on semi-truck trailers as well as tow trucks where there is significant movement, bending or flexing of the surface to which the strip is mounted. Also, the strip can not mounted in such a way as they span multiple mounting surfaces. Mounting them this way will virtually guarantee the strip will fail sooner rather than later. These strips must be mounted to one single continuous smooth, clean, flat, rigid surface and in an area that is protected from corrosive chemicals. Commercial vehicles that frequently travel roads treated with corrosive chemicals often used for melting snow and ice can impact the durability of these LED strips if the strips are mounted in an area that is exposed to these chemicals. Hi-Intensity Strips that fail in these operating environments ARE NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY.
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Kenworth W900 Grill Accent RGB LED Light Kit with Remote
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