This unique bundle includes a custom fit summer bugscreen and a winterfront for your truck! With this set, you will get precise temperature control by using the multi-positional openings that snap on with dome fasteners.
Fia Inc. guarantees the original purchaser a limited 2 year warranty against manufacturer defects in materials, workmanship and finish under normal use. The warranty is void if the product has been damaged resulting from product misuse, improper installation, product modifications or product neglect. The warranty applies to all Fia products and is limited to repair, replacement or full credit for the product. Warranty does not include cost of removal, installation, labor, freight and incidental or consequential damages.
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Tony A. Verified Customer
This did not fit the truck that it was supposed to. It was the correct width, but about 4” short.
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Hey Tony,
We apologize that this product did not work for you! If you do need to set up a return you can use our easy returns option at the top of our site. If you have any difficulties please reach out to our customer service department.