*This product is NOT legal in California. Raney's is not responsible for legal ramifications.
Performance Diesel Turbocharger
Fits Detroit Diesel Series 60 Engines From 1994-2002
Backed By A 1-Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty
PDI's Turbocharger Design Is Built To Increase Fuel Efficiency Horsepower And Torque
Features V-Band Style Design Eliminating Traditional O-Ring Design
Built With Exclusive Stainless Steel Housing To Enhance Air Flow With Consistency
1.32 A/R Ratio Keeps The Turbo In Its Efficiency Range For Performance Improvement
Sold Individually
Quality American Made Product
PDI is the industry leader in adding power, torque and efficiency to your diesel engine. This Turbocharger is built to withstand the toughest heat cycle conditions adding reliability with performance and efficiency. Featuring a V-Band design which eliminates the need for the traditional O-Ring design of some engines. Maximize your airflow, increase your fuel economy and boost your engine's performance and power today.
If you should need additional Truck Parts and Accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
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