24" x 30" Red & Black V Shape Mud Flaps With Black Background (Pair)
24" x 30" Red & Black V Shape Mud Flaps
100% High Relief
Heat Distortion Resistance
Unique Red And Black V Shape Design
Size: 24" Width x 30" Height
1/4" Thickness
Pigmented Color Plastic
Semi Flexible Rubber
Black Background
Integrated Fiberglass Reinforcements To Help Prevent Curling and Cutting
Sold As A Pair
Quality Made Product
The 24" x 30" V Shape Mud Flaps With Black Background features a high quality red and black v shape that makes these custom mud flaps turn heads. This mudguard comes with heat distortion resistance so you never have to worry about fading or warping, and constant spending on new flaps especially with the 1/4" thickness, and semi-flexible rubber.
If you should need additional Truck Parts and Accessories, please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number 1-888-888-7990
24" x 30" Red & Black V Shape Mud Flaps With Black Background (Pair)
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