Limited Lifetime Warranty
RealWheels Corporation proudly warrants its billet aluminum and stainless steel products to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship for as long as you own your vehicle. Powder-coated, RealGloss, and chrome plated products, have a twelve month warranty on the finished surface. Mounting brackets, air valve extensions, air pressure monitoring systems, air horns, also have a twelve month warranty. Any defects resulting from faulty material or workmanship will be warranted by RealWheels Corporation and repaired or replaced at our discretion. Pitting is NOT a manufacturer defect, and will not be covered by warranty. This warranty does not include electrical components or light bulb replacement. Non-Manufactured Wheel Simulators, Covers and Accessories: RealWheels Corporation offers some items and accessories that are not of our manufacture. Such items are, nevertheless warranted by our company to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase by original owner. RealWheels does not assume any financial responsibility for the actual costs incurred for, the removal and replacement labor, freight costs—if any, nor for any incidental expenses or consequential damages that may be incurred. The expressed limit of RealWheels liability is for the product replacement. Damages caused by freight carriers, improper installation, misuse, collision, or neglect will not be warranted. RealWheels requires the original receipt for any warranty claims. We pledge that if at anytime you encounter a problem with our products, we will strive to correct the problem in the most timely and efficient way possible, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations contained herein.
19.5" International TerraStar Ford F450 F550 Stainless Steel Cover-Up Hub Covers
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John M. Verified Customer
Wrong stuff
These were not the correct parts and were sent back for a refund which I would have thought would have been processed by now.
Reply from
Hey John!
Your return was initiated on Thursday 02/28 and a refund was provided on Friday 02/05. If you did not receive your refund please contact our customer service department at (888) 888-7990 option 1 and we will certainly do everything we can to help!