Product is backed by a Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty and are guaranteed against flaws due to faulty materials and/or unintended production variations. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and excludes damage caused by abnormal use or conditions, including but not limited to extreme abrasive conditions and/ or excessive exposure to chemicals such as bleach, gasoline and other fuels.
Minimizer Fast Flap Releasable Mud Flap Hanger Kit
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Robert S. Verified Customer
Works great! Has saved untold hours of repairing mudflaps
These are pricey but well worth the expense in the long run. They are strong, durable, and do exactly what they are advertised to do. *Trick tip* use a claw hammer turned at an angle instead of pry bars or screwdrivers to insert mud flaps. Your knuckles will thank me.